Monday, February 26, 2007

Seseorang. . .

Namanya Akmal Fikri...

Seseorang yang selalu ada kapan aja gue membutuhkan sepasang kuping buat ngedengerin segala isi kepala dan hati gue. *tong sampah* kesayangan gue ( dalam arti yang baik lho yang..).. waiting with open arms, whenever the going gets tough for me. Seseorang yang bisa jadi 'punch bag' gue, disaat gue lagi emosian berat. Bukan berarti dia jadi sasaran emosi gue, tapi entah gimana, dia selalu punya cara buat ngeredam semuanya. Dia juga bisa jadi "hippity top" yang selalu ngebantu gue dalam urusan bouncing my life back on track,disaat gue udah mulai keluar jalur.. ( mungkin secara ngga sadar).
Seseorang yang bisa gue ajak gila-gilaan, tanpa takut bakal jadi gila beneran. cuz' he keeps me sane. walaupun kadang ada disaat dimana, he can really drives me crazy too. I mean totally crazy.. nearly bonkers... For real !

Seseorang yang bisa nemenin gue seharian tanpa pernah ngerasa bosen atau gimana, seseorang yang bisa kapan aja nemenin gue. Kadang juga seseorang yang bisa bikin gue nangis,sedih,keilangan kalo dia lagi ngga ada si samping gue,kalo dia lagi marah sama gue karena kesalahan gue yang stupid bgt. Seseorang yang gue pengen bisa nemenin gue sampe gue udah nenek-nenek..Seseorang yang gw sayangin bgt
,,untuk saat ini kita emang ngga bisa dipisahin, istilah kerennya kayak Yin and Yang,kayak tukang baso sama bakso2nya,kayak Inul sama goyang ngebornya,pokonya gitu deh.. he's just basically the other side of my coin..there's no escape in that.

Seseorang yang bisa bikin gue merasa hidup,bahagia,tolol,kuat,bangga,sedih,lucu...terberkati! and a thousand other different feelings! tapi yang pasti, being with him,his presence just simply makes me feel.. I'm home!. Nothing ever feel 'this' right. I guess.. nothing ever could.
Seseorang yang bisa bantuin gue.. in every way imaginable,kadang gue ngerasa, ngeliat dia aja udah bisa ngurangin setengah beban dari masalah apa pun yang lagi gue hadapin saat itu. and once again he keeps me sane from all my madness in life. My partner in crime yang selalu ngajarin gue banyak hal.. hmm.. sebenernya kita punya
Seseorang yang pintar,not in staight- A's kind of way though. you name it...Seseorang yang fun to be around. Lucu dengan kejayusannya, unik dengan segala keanehannya, Sempurna dengan segalakesamaan.. sama-sama KERAS ! tapi anehnya, once again, inseparable at the same time.
seseorang yang gue hargain dan hormatin bgt dalam hidup ini. Seseorang yang sangat objektif memandang segala sesuatu, jadi bisa mengimbangi gue yang selalu memandang secara subjektif dan... hars in my words. Seseorang yang sabar banget, sincere in his every way and basically one of the most kind at heart person that I've ever known.
kekurangannya. Seseorang yang kehadirannya patut disyukurin bgt,karena diperbolehkan kenal dan ngerasain dia dalam hidup gue. cuz' he's just one of a kind. One of kind. Truly...

Seseorang yang kehadirannya berpengaruh bgt buat gue. karena asli' ! ngga kebayang bisa ngelewatin sehari aja tanpa ngeliat dia dan senyumannya. cieeee... tasya ! it just wouldn't feel right. And won't ever feel right..And most of the time , I found strength in just one look
of him. My ground..He makes me feel. CONTENT !
Seseorang yang ngga mungkin kelupaan dalam daftar doa gue tiap hari. Cuz most of the day, He's always the number One on the list ! the top of the chart ( kayak billboard aja.. kalaupun harus dibandingin sama itungan chart biilboard, all I can say is that... rekor dia udah ngalahin sang legendaris "the Beatles" deh.. HaHa..
gue seneng bgt gue bisa jadi *temen* buat dia.. gue mau gini terus.. I'm not looking someone I can live with but I'm looking someone I can't live without. *smile seductively*.
dan besok.. our 1st 2 months anniversary... I will always pray that we can loving each other forever.. amiinnnnnnnnnnnnn..........

Friday, February 23, 2007


pertama gw buka FS gw.. ada 3 testi dari dia. gw ngga pernah seseneng ini kalo buka FS.. kalo boleh jujur, gw lagi sayang2nya sama dia.. lagi seneng2nya sama dia.. setiap doa gw selalu minta semoga gw bisa kayak gini terus.. bisa senyum bahagia setiap hari kyk kemaren...

tapi... gw bikin dia marah LAGI, bikin dia benci sama gw.

aku minta maaf yang, aku ngga tau harus gimana lagi. aku sedih bgt sekarang.

ya Allah.. tasya bingung mau ngapain sekarang, tasya males pulang..

padahal di kepala gw udah banyak rencana buat tgl. 27 ini...tapi semuanya kandas lagi.

kenapa ya?

semoga ngga ada orang yang ngerasain perasaan gw skrg. disaat lo lagi sayang2nya, lagi bahagia2nya sam org yang lo bener2 sayang, tiba2 org yang lo sayang itu bilang " lo ngga berhak dapetin perasaan gw kyk gini, lo bukan wanita yang berhak dapetin persaan ni. lo tukang tipu ."

ya Allah.. rasanya semua darah dibadan gw nyatu di leher gw sampe gw kecekek dan ngga bisa ngomong apa2, cuma bisa nangis sedih . terserah gw dibilang cengeng atau drama queen, cuma gw sama Allah yang tahu.

tapi, gw harus bisa tahan tangis gw.. gw ngga mau nagis.. ngga... gw cuma minta bantuan sama tangan gw buat megangin dada gw supaya lebih tenang.

kenapa ya semua dateng disaat gw lagi bahagia gini, kenapa ya semua dateng disaat keadaan di rumah lagi ngga ngenakin. om gw marah ngga jelas lagi. dalam keadaan gini, dia ngga ada disamping gw. gw lagi nyari2 tiket airasia yang murah2.. gw cuma punya duit 400, gw ngga mau mnta bunda. si Noni milih ngungsi ke tempat kakaknya di bekasi. sedangkan gw kemana?? ngga ada yang peduli juga gw mau kemana,ngga ada juga yang ngarepin gw di jakarta. 'aku wanita jalang dari kumpulan yang terbuang.' munkin bener gw bukan cewe yang berhak dapetin hatinya, mumgkin dia bener sekarang gw harus terima kenyataan yang sama sekali ngga pernah gw harapin. Ya Allah.. maafin tasya ya..

ini salah gw.. gw bener2 minta maaf.. tadi malem .. emang gw salah. gw ngga bilang smpe jam 10. seinget gw, gw bilang sampe jam 9 atau ngga jam 10an.. hp gw dipegang sama org metro tvnya. gw ngga bisa ngabarin dia. mana mbak2nya rese bgt, gw disuruh jaga di studio,lt/1 , lt.2 dengan kondisi baju sama kepala yang berat bgt. acara selesai jam 10, tapi semua usher disuruh tetep stay di tempat sampe tamu2 udah pada keluar, belum disuruh ini itu.. akhirnya jam setengah 11an lewat selesai balik ke ruang ganti. belum buka baju, buka konde,bersihin make up... mana mobilnya reyna ketiban pohon lagi, katanya ada angin puting beliung. mau pulang jam berapa gw kalo nungguin mobilnya reyna, akhirnya gw ber3 ikut melody, dia ke arah kemayoran, dan kita turun di pasar baru lanjut naek taxi.

tadi malem gw tidur jam3.. padahal seluruh badan gw udah capek bgt, tapi tetep ngga bs tidur. udah gw coba tutup mata, tapi tetep ngga bisa. gw ngeliat Noni tidur enak bgt, kyk ngga ada yang dipikrin..

fiuhhh.. gw lagi ngga mau di rumah, gw bete dirumah.

Monday, February 19, 2007


just got back from, joging! ya... Fikri picked me up at 6.00 this morning,last night we decided to have some an exercise like Joging. we did it in Senayan field. I only got 3 circles, not bad.. and Fikri got 4 circles. Fiuhh... i'm so tired now, but I enjoyed it! sama pacar gituuhhh.... and we stopped at 8 am. it's rainy, a bit drizzling.. After that we were looking for breakfast and decided to get porridge in Benhil. then. we went home at 9 am.

maybe today we are not doing watching movie at cinema as usuall we did every Monday. I skip it today. it's OK ! but tomorrow Fikri promised to accompany me buy gymnastics or yoga Dvd for my mom in Ambassador mall. and maybe we continue to watching movie at cinema. I want to watching Rocky Balboa.

oh ya, last Saturday we both watched 'Ghost rider' or something like that. hmm.. it's quiet nice. not bad. the movie was played by Nicholas cage. He's so Cute. Especially I like Johny Blaze when He was young on that film, but I'm forget what he's name. his face looks like Tom cruise. cuter than him lahh.. HeHeHe.. and I loke those motorcycle on that film, I imagine if I had one of them.. huhh.. it'd be very cool.. nanti lah gw minta papa, hehe..

Hmm.. enough deh.. gw mau ngapain dulu nih. ok.ok

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

long road by busway

yesterday was so nice for me, fkri and I were together went to mangga dua by busway, this was our first time using a public transportation together, well... u know, how is bus condition in Jakarta??!! and we decided to using busway for our journey this time. we would to try new busway station that located near from my house. we walked together, holding hands, laughing each other. this was so sweet for us. to get Mangga dua, we had to change the bus for twice, first place in Halimun station and the last in Dukuh atas station, it's quite comfortable. but not in the Afternoon, it'll full of people. at 2.00 pm we arrived in Station Kota, and continuing headed to Mangga 2 by 'angkot'. Lucky us, the weather was so friendly, like everybody knows, Kota is So Full of people, full of vehicle, full of polution, and full of dust. Can u imagine if the weather give us a hot and extreme weather, it'll makes our body be bathed in sweat! yucks... it so awful!

before shopping, we had lunch in Padang restaurant, I ate fried chicken and lot of Chili. hmm.. it's so yummy.. Hehe.. then we continued to shopping. I bought many kind of stuff. I bought a nice green sweater, a cute brownish sattin tops, tanktops, shocks, even I bought a towel. I didn't know, why I bought it. I just wanted it. Hahaha.. after that about 5.00 pm we ate AGAIN. Fikri stared at me, then said .. 'what??! u want to eat again? are u serious?' I didn't know why?! I just wanted to eat more table. Alhamdulillah..

fiuh.. i couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the Lines engaged so Looooooonggg.. oh God ! and I thought , it more comfortable when using our vehicle. we don't have to waiting an hours or doing something bored. yah.. but I enjoyed the situation. it's quiet funny and sweet.

oh ya, today is Valentine's day, like i've ever told you, Fikri and I didn't celebrating it. we CAN share and loving to each other Everyday, anytime, and everywhere we want. Everyday is valentine's Day. HeHeHe..

Fikri was a nice a company, he didn't complain about anything. We really enjoyed it. thanks babe.. I love u.. Cupcup..

Thursday, February 8, 2007

my damage hair

Yippiiee.. I am free now. No Job. No Busy. No Idea. well... I love being free. HaHaHa
past two days ago, I bought LEA's skinny jeans. yah.. for jeans I prefer Lee Cooper, LEA, or if i had much money I'll buy Levi's. Skinny?! hmm.. I thought it is so sexy. it can slendersize my body. I bought the faded blue ones. It looks nice on me. Ya I Like it !
Hmm.. I planned to go to Mangga 2 this week ar next week, maybe I'll ask Fikri or my cousin or my friend to accompany me. I'm searcing for cute and nice flat shoes and one highheels i think, and I wanna buy MORE cute and simple look tops, and i wanna buy a 'perfect hand bag', what else?! ya.. let's see..
Yesterday was my 'bersih-bersih' day, I went to Nina Ricci Saloon with Noni, we both do Scrubing, Facial, and I cutted my hair. Almost three months I never do 'bebersih diri' , and yesteday I had a free time. Oh ya.. I have a problem with my hair now, my hair falls a lot, oh God, I need a treatment or something like that, maybe tomorrow I'll started from using 'Liday Buaya' , hairtonic everyday, and do creambath twice a week. anybody knows how to make my hair back to normal instantly? please help me.. send ur advice/tips/or else to my e-mail : Ok. Thanks. I'm waiting guys..
Oh no, I almost forgot to pay my phone bills now. I gotta go.. Have a nice day.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

flooded Jakarta

well, i'm on holiday now. After three events i've done a few days ago. started from Bulungan Cup, Grand opening Pollo Campero Restaurant, and the last Cosmogirl Fashion week ( remembering me when i was 14 years old, i walked as a model catwalk, hehe... it was a great time). and yes! Bunda Iim phoned me two days ago and informed me that mike is back to jakarta. who's Mike? he's an Australian.. Last August I've joined with his team on Cosmobeauty Exhibiton,and i helped him to promoting the Ultrawave wellness system, it's kinda a sets of equipment for massage. with water pressure inside the mattress. it can burn fat, reduce stress, accelerate our metabolism, combate cellulite, and more. it moving a whole body. ok ok.. stop promotion! hahaha. And Mike asked me to join his Exhibition this weekend in Bursa Efek Jakarta ( BEJ). with the same product. and InsyaAllah on 24th Feb we're going to Singapore for the next Exhibition. ya i Hope !

Last night i had a chest cold, and i asked wa' Ida to 'kerokin' my back. and when i saw my back on the mirror. oh God ! it so red and dark.. it's probably caused by my activities recently. i was so busy with my job this month. i need a rest. i'll take a vacation ..

oh ya.. Have u heard about flooded in Jakarta ? it's so sad for those people who their houses being soaked by water. I watched a news on TV, almost entire Jakarta is flooded.started from Kelapa gading, Tg. priuk, Stasiun Dukuh atas, Benhil, Arteri, Kp. melayu, Kuningan , even the protocol street Sudirman. what kind of pathetic situation today? all i can do is to pray to Allah, i hope this disaster will be over soon. Very soon.

Everyday my mom phoned me.. she always tells me to take good care myself, my healthy. she's so afraid with condition of Jakarta now. if there's no important things , better i just stay at home and don't go anywhere. Fikri also tells me about it.ya i will! i won't be a rebellion..!

hmm.. Valentine's day??!! i think i am not celebrating it. i always spread love everyday, for my family, my boyfriend,my friends, even my new friends. Valentine's day is just a symbol of a Love day, when all people sharing their warm feeling, a love feeling, to their loved ones or their bestfriends. give a chocolate or roses to their loved . But i CAN share my warm feeling,love feeling, EVERYDAY ! EVERYWHERE! and ANYTIME ! i love being myself. for some people who celebrating it . i would say Happy Valentine's day.Love is all we need !

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Grand Opening !

after finishing my duty on grand opening pollo campero restaurant in sarinah thamrin. fiuhh.. so tired but it was so fun. this restaurant is the first outlet in Asia, they're from Latino. Amerika latin! it's like a chicken restaurant, they sell a traditional meal from latin. i liked the owner, she's so 'sterek', and i liked her skin ( browny skin like a golden shimerring). i Want ! the party started at 10.30 and it's rainy outside. the majority guest were Latino. i talked with one latinos, he told me evrything about america latin, the weather, the friendly people, and else. he was so nice, he's a hubby with a 5-months son. his wife doesn't go with him. because it will be a long journey. after in Indonesia. they'll open in China,Japan,Thailand, and other Asia.

Udjo and Yossy Project pop were participated here. they both ver very low profile. not like the other celebrities which is so arrogant. and of course the 'next inul' Tina toon, the kindergarden childrens very enjoyed with her. she made everybody laughed. it was so fun time.

and yes. i wanna go home now. take a rest and continuing my duty tomorrow at 10.00 am. oh God ! i need a rest.

oh ya. fikri has told me, his handphone was lost when he wanted to go to Campus. ya Allah.. i've told him be carefull on a bus, there's a lot of snatcher. Once, to all please, be carefull when you use a public transportation. especially on a bus! and don't forget to pray and asked Allah to always protecting us.

ya ya.. i'm waiting for the result of the examination. pray to Allah !