Wednesday, January 10, 2007

still here waiting

almost 2 hours here.. i'm trying to booking tickets to bali next august, yah.. air asia promo, o Rp. return,only pay the ika told us via sms last night.. but repeatly the website errors. fiuh.. namanya juga tiket murah pasti banyak bgt yang lagi browsing.. yah rejeki ngga kemana.. ya kan??!! rencananya i'll going with noni,fara,fikri,afghan,krita.. having fun together di BALI gitu lho.. uhh.. it'll be cool. so romantic.. can't imagine.. i hope we got the tickets. amien..

this is last day i studying Hukum tata negara,next week i'll preparing my exams.. wish me luck, guys! semoga aja IP gw tambah tinggi.. yah.. 4.00 bisa lah.. i was happy when my result last semester. first semester i got 3.79 then in second semester i got 3.89.. pray for me, huh. i'll do my best !

talking about new year .. i have no special resolutions this year, i only pray that i should do my best from now. i'll take care of my family,friends,bestfriends,my environment and my loved ones.i always pray we will love each other forever. i want everything would be better than ever.

many problem i had last year .. started from the 'girl' that trying to ruin my happiness and the girl happened to be my boyfriend's 'new cousin' .. u can imagine my feelings.. it so pathetic for me knowing she's became an intruder.
at first. i saw her picture with bf as a primary photo in friendster. (what the fuck u do that for). then.

me : 'who is she?'

my bf : 'she is my cousin from malaysia.'

me : 'ooh.. i c.. but i never hearing about her before. and why u put ur picture and her as a primaryphoto in ur profile?'

my bf : ok, i'll change it. she send me the picture and she wants me to put it as a primary photo.

me : she's so flirtatous.. 'ok, just removed it,ok.'

a few moths i kept quiet. i thought there's something wrong on her. she's been in love with him more than who she is. then.oneday i dig her blog up.. n u know.. i seen her picture and her fucking 'poem' that dedicated to my boyfriend. what the fuck? then. i send her a message and show her about my feelings after seen her poem. then. u know what did she said. 'ohh.. it wasn't dedicated for fik'. fuck u! why didn't u admit that? i ask her repeatly but with the same answer. she did not to admit what she has done to me. i revolted with her like pretend innocent. who do you think u are? i really really disgusted with u. sok hebat!

but fikri realizing me.. and he said ' honey, . she's nothing. she's never on my mind. i never even like her. there's no advantages fighting with "orang gila". she's really really nothing. i've told u the truth. dia pernah kirim message ke aku dan she asked me to read her 'poem' in her blog after she come back to malaysia. she's flrting too much.. but i never like her. aku tau sekarang dia itu munafik. ngga mau ngaku pernah suka sama aku, bukannya aku yang kegeeran atau gimana, tapi dia emang pernah bilang suka sama aku. yeah, mungkin dia ngga bisa nerima kekalahan aja. yang jelas.i NEVER falling in love with her.

then i realised she's two face. two personality. had a different confession in her blog and reality.

and i guess there's lot of better things i have to do than thinking of girl that ruin my happines.


Tascha! said...

kalu kurang jelas.. bacanya di block aja. ok!

Anonymous said...

ignore her.. you are prettier than her.
n I believe that Fikri prefer YOU than HER.

gudluck for the Job.