Sunday, September 30, 2007
Despra Levin One..
Posted by Tascha! at 8:37 PM 6 comments
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Gw ngga sahur kemaren.. pagi-paginya gw tanya ke pembantu gw.
Posted by Tascha! at 10:18 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Posted by Tascha! at 11:01 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I'm the one who should laughing! hehe
Remember I told you that I've been fooled by joining some quiz in someone's blog. Which was They asked me to put three names. I just have ONE in mind and TWO names in order to completing the spaces. Here are they..
1. Akmal Fikri. (some of you know him as my boyfriend)
<<< The one that I love : )
2. Ryan Nirwan.
<<<> My 5-years-old cousin
3. Idep
Maybe YOU're right.. I Have special feelings to these 'boys'.. hahaha..*lauging-to-the-floor* yeah.. because I am not being hypocrite when I have special feeling for someone then I'm gonna admit that! I'm happy .. I'm not like yours ..when get caught had special feelings towards my man by seeing the poems, and all YOU dedicated to my man *not ur cousin anymore~like my bf said* and YOU're the one who didn't admit that. Because YOU don't want to look like a pathetic sore looser. ya kan?
So.. Who's actually being fooled?? ; D
P/s : for Fikri, " Sorry Ayang because I have crushes with the 'Boys' above..but I think u can find them in my home this Saturday.. u can punch or kick them if u want because They've took my heart. "uahahahaha...Don't get mad because I love them too . : )
Btw, Fikri has his own blog too.. it's private place ONLY for US. ;P
Posted by Tascha! at 3:37 PM 2 comments
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Think Big ! It's all possible...
- Set your sights
What to do : Pick a goal, like one day running your own business or finding the cure for cancer, and keep on focus on it.
Why : Because the top reason people don't reach their goals is that they get sidetracked. You need to answer the questions I suggested below. They'll make you keep motivated and on track.
- What is the one thing you want to achieve more than anything else?
- What pictures and quotes will inspire you the most to reach that goal?
- Now take those quotes and images and glue them to a posterboard. then hang it on your wall, so you'll see it everyday.
Bottom line : If you're constantly thinking about what you want to achieve and how to get there, working hard toward your goal will become part of your daily routine. and you'll continue to stick it!
- Go for your goal
What to do : Take a small risks each day, so you learn how to bounce back from a mistake and how good it feels to stick with something and succeed.
Why : Many people give up their goals after they have setback. But you can learn how to recover it by practicing the risks below. isn't weird? no.. but Yes, you might mess up or even feel embarrased, but when you eventually get it right, u'll realize obstacles don't have to become roadblocks.
- Raise your hand in class at least once a day. even if you're unsure of the answer.
- Ask a question whenever you're confused. and Face the fear of looking stupid!
- Volunteer to lead a club after class. it'll let you making a big decisions.
Bottom line : as long as you keep voicing your opinions, (even if you are harsh in words or theres someone look unhappy with ur opinions , u need to trust ur belief and of course accept the constuructive criticsm from others.. and try to explain it as well to them. ), asking for help, and taking on responsibilities, you'll continue to gain the know-how and confidence to get by obstacles, AND make any dream a reality.
so.. have a nice life, people!
this is dedicated for my lil sister, Shifa. who always ask me how to achieve her goal and always thinks that her dream is only a dream and couldn't be a reality. Try it !
Honestly, I have not achieve my goal yet. but I'll always focus on it !
Posted by Tascha! at 7:13 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Happy Fasting
- Got 10.50 am class.. "Hukum pengangkutan"..
- Meet Marini in the library at 12.00 pm.
- Finishing the book Kak Ala lent me "Don't be sad" (Cara Hidup Positif Tanpa Pernah Sedih & Frustasi) by DR. 'Aid bin Abdullah al-Qarni,MA.
- Host Reality Show audition at 3 pm.
- Meet Fikri and go watch at noon.
This is for some people
If you judge people, then you have no time to love them.
Posted by Tascha! at 3:11 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 10, 2007
I've been so tired past few days. I know there is someone or third party who wants ruin my happiness. I know there is someone who stands behind all of this.
Who the hell are YOU?
and for you Asshole, If you dont understand what I mean.. just LEARN How to understand it. Occay! and drill into ur gf's brain that I'm not a lunatic person like her. I hv No plan to be like her . NOT EVER. and I DO NOT EVEN KNOW YOU. just take care your own life.
and for YOU, I know I was wrong that I thought u were the one who sending me those nasty messages in my tagboard, but that doesnt mean YOU could accusing me of things.
pantes aja Fikri ga mau anggep lo jadi sepupu lo. lo kasar gitu jadi cewe. yukss...
bye bye..
Posted by Tascha! at 2:28 PM 4 comments
Sunday, September 9, 2007
I'm gonna take it away
Posted by Tascha! at 1:52 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Posted by Tascha! at 12:17 AM 3 comments
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Bali I'm in love..
Dreamland is the real land.. sooo lovely..!
A girl invites me to read her entries.. did she says that she won't forgive me? Why did she keep on visiting my blog ? I am Ok when she said she really doesn't care anymore about me or my existance.. Ok.. but I've done my part too.. I apologised to her from the bottom of my heart. sincerely!
Gw ngga bohong when I said sorry to her.. that's true when we've made peace in the first time to each other..and suddenly I went beserk for some reasons.. And u girl wanna know Why did I do that? because I believe with my own assumptions about what happened to me.. I found another evidences and it was so sickening me.. I didn't pretend nice to you when we forgived each other in the first place.. I thought that was the start to know and make a friend with you.. butpoems, the pics, and the entries of ur blog, and anything I found that related to all.. I've made up my mind.. that u lied to me as u said u never have special feelings to Fikri, ur OWN relative !..thats enough to explaining all..yet, Fikri told me what happening with u guys when u were in Bukit tinggi.. in the first I wasn't sure with Fikri and I believed you.. tapi setelah gw telaah dan gw pikir secara logika secara logika wanita.. gw pelajari dan gw investigasi myself.. I've changed my mind..and I don't believe you..
And why suddenly I came to ur blog and say sorry to u.. just because I really wanna do that. Dan gw pikir Bulan suci Ramadhan udah mau dateng.. and I realized u r the one I hate so much most of the year.. it's so hurt me to hate u.. I don't wanna hate anybody.. esp. you.. dalam hati gw masih ada beban karena gw punya satu kebencian sama lo.. gw benci karena lo ngga pernah mengakui perasaan lo.. lo terus2an bilang kalo lo ngga pernah punya perasaan apa-apa.. gw tau lo boong setelah gw lihat semua bukti-bukti yang lo bikin sendiri.. I know u were manipulating ur own words as u were explaing it to me..
Gw konsekuen sama omongan gw setelah gw minta maaf sama lo kemaren ngga benci lo lagi.. gw udah lupain dan maafin semua perbuatan lo..
Masalah Penganiayaan orang Indonesia di Malaysia TIDAK ada hubungannya dengan perasaan benci yang PERNAH (not anymore) gw rasain with some girl who is Malaysian.. not AT ALL. Semua opini gw tentang itu semua bener-bener my opinions without feeling angry with the girl I hated .. ngga berhubungan sama sekali.
Gw sebagai Indonesian jelas kecewa dan sakit sama perlakuan pihak Malaysia.. mungkin gw emang salah menganggap semua orang Malaysia berprilaku sama kayak mereka pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab itu.. I'm sorry, Malaysian!.. I really am.. I just so angry when the first time I know that.. gw bener-bener kecewa..
Pertama gw pikir kenapa gw menganggap semua orang Malaysia itu sama.. karena secara awam gw pikir.. Seorang Polisi itu aparat keamanan di suatu negara.. Polisi itu seorang yang sangat dijunjung dan dihormati sama warganegaranya.. seorang yang mempunyai perlakuan yang disegani.. sekarang Kalau Polisi suatu negara aja udah berprilaku seperti itu bagaimana warganegaranya?? ada dua kemungkinan antara lebih baik atau lebih buruk.. tapi pemikiran gw lebih pada kemungkinan kedua.. this is my own values ya..
Gw ngeliat hubungan suatu negara dan warganegaranya sama istilah 'tubuh'.. tubuh kita terdiri dari tangan, mata, kuping, dll. Apabila tangan kita dicubit maka mata kita akan menangis dan apabila mata menangis maka tangan yang akan menghapusnya. Sekarang Polisi Malaysia itu merupakan bagian dari Malaysia dan seharusnya Malaysia (semuanya) berusaha membantu para polisi itu.. sekarang bagaimana caranya?? caranya pihak Malaysia (semuanya) meminta maaf sama Indonesia atas nama perlakuan yang udah dilakukan sama para polisi itu..dan diharapkan pihak Malaysia memberikan edukasi kepada warganegarnya supaya kejadian seperti itu ngga terulang.. bukannya warganegara Malaysia yang merasa tidak bersalah atas perlakuan para polisi itu lantas memisahkan diri dan merasa tersinggung karena seluruh Indonesian blame them all..sekarang tunjukin dong kalo tidak semua orang malaysia bersikap seperti itu.. kita Indonesian menunggu pembuktian itu sekarang.
I know people makes mistakes.. tapi apa melakukan kesalahan itu berkali-kali..kayak contoh kasus Ceriyati dan belum selesai kasus Ceriyati ada lagi kasus pembunuhan Indonesian maid di Selangor.. apa mereka tidak belajar dari kesalahan? masih terasa di telinga dua kasus tentang TKW itu.. ada lagi kasus baru masalah wasit karate kita.. apa salah gw menyimpulkan semua Malaysian seperti itu? once again.. this is my own opinion..
I don't hate Malaysia.. I hate their attitude treated bad Indonesians.. bukan karena gw pernah benci sama satu perempuan disana lantas gw benci sama semua orang Malaysia. I am not THAT shallow,girl! I have lots of friend in Malaysia.. dan gw berhubungan baik sama mereka.. seperti contoh.. gw tetep sms-an sama Nurdian yang tinggal di Selangor.. sama Hakim yang tinggal di Kuala Lumpur.. gw ngga benci mereka.. malah mereka mengakui kalo mereka (as Malaysian) salah atas perbuatan salah satu dari warganegara mereka.. I appreciate them.
If I hate Malaysia.. buat apa tahun depan gw berencana Hoilday disana sama Fikri and my bestfriends..?? ya kan.. ? menganggap Malaysia itu saudara dari Indonesia..nah itu yang gw sesalkan atas perlakuan salah satu warganegaranya yang menyakitkan mereka.. which is bukan salah satu dari warganergaranya tapi salah Empat dari warganegaranya.. apa semua orang melakukan kesalahan yang SAMA dan bertepatan pada saat yang bersamaan pula.. gw ngga abis pikir aja..
yah.. buat pihak yang merasa tersinggung with my entries.. I'm sorry.. I have my own opinions about it.. dun ever teach me what I should do or what I should be.. because I am not teach u what you should do or what you should be.. we have different values about anything.. yah.. contoh nya sebuah balok.. kalo kita lihat balok itu dari sisi samping maka kita liat sebuah segiempat..dan apabila kita lihat balok itu dari depan maka kita lihat suatu persegi panjang.. begitu juga kayak kita lihat suatu permasalahan.. contoh kasus ini.. gw ngeliat masalah ini dari sisi wargenegara Indonesia yang berulang-kali mendapatkan perlakuan ngga enak dari pihak Malaysia..
sekali lagi gw bukan so patriotisme atau apa.. please, be Mature people! dan gw percaya kemajuan suatu bangsa tergantung pada kaumnya.
Posted by Tascha! at 1:04 PM 2 comments