The photoshoot went Ok. They said that I did a great job yesterday *thanks thanks*.. I was a bit nervous at first. because it's not like as usual. but I was happy with my performance though. and oh.. the pics were taken by Deniek G Sukarya. He's one of the Indonesian senior Photographer. *proud*.. just google him ; )
When I was attending Ridi's wedding, I met some old friends from highschool. first fella was Ipen and his new gf. He looks fat than a years ago. then I met Cibe who told me that I am skinnier and look more young and *blush* prettier. Hehehe.. *thank u*. And other friends like Gobel, Tiwi, Ata, Andi, and Putri.
and yeah, finally I chosed to wear my white Kebaya ..not the purple or black ones. : )
Hey.. Ramadhan is coming. Happy fasting, people! sorry for the mistakes I've done to you. I hope this holy month bring us to the holiness. May Allah SWT blesses us .. amien.
Btw, temen-temen gw udah merencanakan sejuta acara buat Ramadhan kali ini. Mulai Buka Puasa bersama, SOR (Sahur On the Road), dan bikin talkshow2 gitu. ckckck.. liat nanti apakah dapat terlaksana atau tidak. Tapi yang pentingkan udah ada niat. hehe
Tommorow :
- Got 10.50 am class.. "Hukum pengangkutan"..
- Meet Marini in the library at 12.00 pm.
- Finishing the book Kak Ala lent me "Don't be sad" (Cara Hidup Positif Tanpa Pernah Sedih & Frustasi) by DR. 'Aid bin Abdullah al-Qarni,MA.
- Host Reality Show audition at 3 pm.
- Meet Fikri and go watch at noon.
This is for some people
If you judge people, then you have no time to love them.
gotta sleep. tata ; P
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