Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I'm turning twenty today !

woke up early this morning, whereas I just could sleep at 2 a.m. I'm still sleepy now but can't sleep more.
I sms-ed Fikri and asked him " Ayang, udah bangun? jadi pergi hari ini sama papa?" then.
I'm still in my room, nothing to do actually! I decide to blogging anyway.
I went together with Marini and her bf,and with Fikri also.. lon Saturday night. went to Foodfast,Kemang and had dinner together while talking, and laughing, and teasing, and more laughing... hmm.. it was nice.
met my Highschool fellas.. My bestfriend Tya, Icha,Cintia,Tammy,Nisa,Buluk, and Arisyi.. unfortunately I couldn't join with them..because I already got a plan before they asked me to join with them .... *sorry...my friends..*
After that..we went to Wijaya and get to Karaoke-ing...Huehehe..
Today I enter a new year, new age, getting older. Following my friends at the same batch which have entered the club earlier this year – welcome to the club 20s!
Yup, I’m turning twenty today. Usually I did not really bother about birthday, thanks all for the sms-es, calls, emails, testimonials,wishes. Thank u dear..

Funny that I also have same feeling or worries in getting twenty as other friends who share their feeling on being 20th. Worries here means more. I have to become an useful girl of course...theres always some question on my mine.. " am I already became a women? or am I still a girl?" hmm.. dunno.. like Britney Spears's song.. " I'm not a girl, not yet a women". Hehehe.. I must say I’m quite satisfied and thankful for what I’ve done and going through. Alhamdulillah…
Talking about my birthday, I have a wishes.. yup..
  • First wish : I wish that Allah SWT always be on my side, always protecting me,and I hope I can get closer of Him, Solat 5 waktunya ngga bolong-bolong lagi ya Tasya.. amin.

  • Second wish : Successful on my study.. hmm.. semester depan gw Harus dapet IPK : 4.00. but at least I've been always trying hardly to get it.

  • Third wish : hmm.. *shy smile*... I hope Fikri is still mine. hehehe.. not only for this year, I want him to be with me till the next ..the next..the next... ?????

  • Forth wish : Getting old needs more maintenance, rite? :) I’m not that kinda gal who is always up-to-date with latest skin care technology or make-up trend, and I don’t really know the trick and dos-and-donts of make up, skin care, hair maintenance and body care. So looks better is one of my resolutions just to keep me motivated to take care of myself, my health, and to feel better of myself. Huehehe...

  • Fifth wish : Always being Tasya that people used to know. Huehehe.. The better ones actually.

Friday, April 13, 2007

My teen years

My birthday is nearly close.. huehehe.. and I'll become a 20-years-old-girl. And of course I should be a wise girl than before. yeah.. I know I am not that good on my 19 years old. I did a lots of mistake and ignorance,even a silly fighting with some girl who really sucked and really annoyed me! but atleast I totally OVER u, biatch!
enough regreting the past.. I look forward my 20-years-old me.
I wish that life was easier. i understand that in my life. Things are wonderful and good, but for a close loved one and the family,they are struggling. All of sudden I hit my rebellious teen years. I'm struggling for an identity, I'm not old enough to be an adult and I'm not young enough to be a babied. I'm getting a taste of freedoms but feel like things are unstable and at the same time, not free enough. Maybe the teenage years are hard. I don't know who I am and no one really understand me.
"semua ada saatnya".they said.
Ya,I know.. everything that could be happened. not as expected. not as imagined. We've been always expecting ONLY the good side, and the bad side is forgotten. ( well, I am just a human).. all I want is everthing comes good for me.. but hey.. I'm on a real life, not in the heaven where I could just sit,relax, without thinking what would be happen tommorow?
this is my time to change.. i mean.. change a bad habit on me. and always keeping my good side on me. Occay!
All the best wishing for me. and I hope Allah always be on my side.Amien.
Oh ya, gw dapet temen baru, not a new friend juga sih but my long-time-no-talk friend, actually! Namanya Marini,anak kampus juga.. semester 1 kita sering ngobrol2,tapi pas semester 2 dst nya udah agak jarang, karena jadwal kuliah nya yang ngga sama.Dan akhir2 ini kita sering ketemu lagi dikantin. kita telfon2an dan telling to each other about us and all.. most of the topic we talked was our boyfriend. yah.. I know it's a girl's things basically. the conversantion went really fun. kita punya banyak persamaan sepertinya *shy smile*.
Hari Kamis kemaren kita pergi bareng, with her kindly heart. she's waiting for me almost 2 hours till my classes's over. soalnya gw selesai kuliah tuh jam setengah 4 an sedangkan dia jam 1 udah selesai. Kasian juga sih tu anak nungguin gw sendirian..dan celakanya pas nungguin gw di parkiran kaca spion mobilnya diserempet orang,dan tu orang ngga mau ganti rugi lagi. duh..I fely sorry ya mar.. Ini gara2 lo nungguin gw sih..padahalkan gw udah bilang besok aja kita perginya.huh..btw,forgive me babe..
Kita berdua tuh punya usul buat ngenalin pacar kita masing2. Dari cerita kita masing2 tuh kayaknya sifat dan kelakuan pacar2 kita tuh hampir sama.. ( tapi tetep Mar, My boyfriend still the coolest one than yours..) huahaha.. *peace out*. Nah, rencananya malem minggu ini kita punya rencana double date gitu deh,hehehe.. cuma makan bareng atau ngga jalan2 aja..yang penting pacar2 kita tuh saling kenal, dan juga si Fikri bisa percaya kalo gw sewaktu-waktu pergi sama Marini. begitchu.. dan satu kesaman kita lagi..kita tuh sama-sama sangat menyayangi dan mencintai dengan segenap hati sama pacar kita.Huehehehe.. don't puke,people!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Nagabonar jadi 2 ~~

Last Friday I watched 'Nagabonar (jadi) 2' at Senayan city Theatre. I tell you. This is a must watch! and I tell you.. This movie was soooooooooooo funny, I repeat, Soooooo Funny... Seriously! it never stop to makes me laught during the show. I can't even control myself when Nagabonar said " ko tu seperti mencari ketek ular saja." I was thinking.. and I never know that Snake has an armpit...*laugh-to-the-floor*. hehehe..

This is a new version from the old ones. it played by Indonesian Senior Actor, Deddy Mizwar as Nagabonar and The funny dude from Extravaganza, Tora Sudiro as Bonaga. unlike the old version, Nagabonar has a son named Bonaga on it, Nagabonar sent his son to England to continuing his study and finally became a rich,handsome,and succesfull men in Jakarta. Nagabonar is an industrialist who has a coconut plantation in Medan,North Sumatera. and then. You better go watch it yourself.no time to tell right now. maleesss.~~

oh ya, The most funny part *i guess* when Nagabonar met The policemen and the conversation between them happened..until The Policemen told Nagabonar with-his-so-funny-ugly-miserably-face.. " Saya hanya menjalankan tugas pak, saya takut melanggar aturan pak, kalau petugas yang melanggar hukumannya lebih berat pak, jadi tolonglah pak..." ( sumpah, lucu banget polisinya pas di bagian ini)... Maybe I can't show u their funny face...or their expression while they're spoken..that's why I asked u to watch it by yourself.occay??


Facts of Tasya,right now.
  • I've been thinking for do something of my hair, I don't know yet,maybe I'll cut my hair a bit short, or I just give them a bit curls..but noo..hmm.. maybe I just give them a bit treatment.. I feel my hair going to be rather smooth since I change my Shampoo.. from Dove to Rejoice.
  • Oh ya, Berat badan gw sekarang udah 50 kg lho..diet sukses sepertinya! huehehe. but . still. I have to control myself to eat.
  • I can't sleep.
  • I want to eat Chocolate right now. I know. it'll makes me fat. couldn't careless.
  • I'm sleepy. but still can't sleep.
  • Oh.. I forgot to using the night cream..oh.. malaasss..
  • I have to wake up early tomorrow.
  • 1 assignment to go on Wednesday.grrr...
  • My birthday is nearly close to me.
  • I'll become a 20-years-old girl this year ( cukup tua..bertobatlah..dekat2 pada Allah ya)
  • I miss my mom,dad,bro,and my home.
  • I want to be Fikri by my side all the time.
  • I'm Happy with my life now. Alhamdulillah...
  • Thank God.. for everything He gave to me.. Thank u My Lord. Allah SWT.
  • I'm happy with my physical appearance.
  • I'm happy being myself.
  • I'm too sarcastis. Some people think that I am mean,and bitchy,and nasty.and arrogant. ( that means they didn't know me as well).
  • I am totally capable of worrying until I get a headache. ( I'll change it..)
  • I hate some people .. ( dedicated-to-u-know-who-u-are = you got bitched by me ). ok.
  • I am good of remembering anything.
  • I'll always remember with anything that happened to me. got it!
  • I want to sleep right now.bye

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

discohello agogo

hey hey hey... gimana gimana??...
so much things i want to tell..dunno where to start. hmm..

malam minggu kemaren.. menyenangkan.. Ian nraktir kita makan di Bakmi Toko Tiga di Mt Haryono situ, Yang ikut tuh Nenek, Gw, Fikri, Fara,Noni,dan Ian. Gw kurang begitu semangat sih makannya, soalnya pas sorenya gw udah makan di AH restaurant sama Fikri. Gw makan Chicken Royal+Salad (Rp 10.000 ambil sepuasnya). huehehe.. tapi karena udah berhubung janji mau ikut makan malem bareng jadi kita ikut. Btw, tapi Fikri kelihatannya masih laper deh, buktinya Mie yamin gw yang ngga abis dia yang abisin *ckckck.. dasar si pacar*...

After had dinner..we gotback to drop my grandma off at home..before we start to Paaarrttyyyy..Discohello aGoGo.. huhuhu...ya, Ian's brother is an owner of Bliss..and 31th March is Bliss anniversary..so Ian inviting us to attend the party.. hmm.. I've been a long time didn't clubbing.The party was good, but nothing special except when Denada and Iwa K sang my fav songs.. I got a bit bored in the first place coz I didn't likehiphop that played by the Dj. but after midnight the music has switch to 80's Disco.. I like the oldiest acctually. When a 'Dance with somebody ' playing by the DJ ..I started ajojing and kept on singing that song.. oya, the Members are Gw,Fikri,Ian,Noni,Fara,Dea,and Tya.. this was my first time went clubbing with Fikri..Hehehe.. and surprise..I saw Fikri with his dance..ya ya ya.. ketahuan ya..ckckck.. gw ngga ada jaim2 sedikit pun sama Fikri... begitu pun dia.. I'll post my Photos that we took in Bliss later.occay!!

oh there's someone annoyed me on that party..i dunno..who he was.He looked like an Arabian or Indian or something like that. well..couldnt careless. but He kept on stared at me..*creepy*.. Didn't u see my bf who was standing in front of me and would kick ur ass if u keep on seeing me like that? but I didn't tell Fikri there's someone who annoyed me.. I'm afraid Fikri might get mad if He knows there's some bastardo staring me like penjahat kelamin looks.


my today's activities :

  • woke up late,so I ran headed to campus to get my first class with ibu Arie.
  • had lunch at canteen. I ate my fav meal. Mie Yamin and Mango juice.
  • had fight with Fikri,so that I can't concentrating on my lecture as well.
  • called Fikri and inviting him to watch "Naga Bonar jadi 2 " this afternoon.
  • after maghrib we rushed to TIM ,we're looking for NGJ2 ticket..but the ticket's sold out.
  • tried looking the tickets in Megaria.but the ticket's sold out juga.
  • had dinner in front of TIM,and we ate Pecel Ayam and Pecel Lele.
  • went home..and solving our problem.
  • we're fine.. udah ngga berantem lagi... senangnyaa..