Yup, I’m turning twenty today. Usually I did not really bother about birthday, thanks all for the sms-es, calls, emails, testimonials,wishes. Thank u dear..
Funny that I also have same feeling or worries in getting twenty as other friends who share their feeling on being 20th. Worries here means more. I have to become an useful girl of course...theres always some question on my mine.. " am I already became a women? or am I still a girl?" hmm.. dunno.. like Britney Spears's song.. " I'm not a girl, not yet a women". Hehehe.. I must say I’m quite satisfied and thankful for what I’ve done and going through. Alhamdulillah…
- First wish : I wish that Allah SWT always be on my side, always protecting me,and I hope I can get closer of Him, Solat 5 waktunya ngga bolong-bolong lagi ya Tasya.. amin.
- Second wish : Successful on my study.. hmm.. semester depan gw Harus dapet IPK : 4.00. but at least I've been always trying hardly to get it.
- Third wish : hmm.. *shy smile*... I hope Fikri is still mine. hehehe.. not only for this year, I want him to be with me till the next ..the next..the next... ?????
- Forth wish : Getting old needs more maintenance, rite? :) I’m not that kinda gal who is always up-to-date with latest skin care technology or make-up trend, and I don’t really know the trick and dos-and-donts of make up, skin care, hair maintenance and body care. So looks better is one of my resolutions just to keep me motivated to take care of myself, my health, and to feel better of myself. Huehehe...
- Fifth wish : Always being Tasya that people used to know. Huehehe.. The better ones actually.