hey hey hey... gimana gimana??...
so much things i want to tell..dunno where to start. hmm..
malam minggu kemaren.. menyenangkan.. Ian nraktir kita makan di Bakmi Toko Tiga di Mt Haryono situ, Yang ikut tuh Nenek, Gw, Fikri, Fara,Noni,dan Ian. Gw kurang begitu semangat sih makannya, soalnya pas sorenya gw udah makan di AH restaurant sama Fikri. Gw makan Chicken Royal+Salad (Rp 10.000 ambil sepuasnya). huehehe.. tapi karena udah berhubung janji mau ikut makan malem bareng jadi kita ikut. Btw, tapi Fikri kelihatannya masih laper deh, buktinya Mie yamin gw yang ngga abis dia yang abisin *ckckck.. dasar si pacar*...
After had dinner..we gotback to drop my grandma off at home..before we start to Paaarrttyyyy..Discohello aGoGo.. huhuhu...ya, Ian's brother is an owner of Bliss..and 31th March is Bliss anniversary..so Ian inviting us to attend the party.. hmm.. I've been a long time didn't clubbing.The party was good, but nothing special except when Denada and Iwa K sang my fav songs.. I got a bit bored in the first place coz I didn't likehiphop that played by the Dj. but after midnight the music has switch to 80's Disco.. I like the oldiest acctually. When a 'Dance with somebody ' playing by the DJ ..I started ajojing and kept on singing that song.. oya, the Members are Gw,Fikri,Ian,Noni,Fara,Dea,and Tya.. this was my first time went clubbing with Fikri..Hehehe.. and surprise..I saw Fikri with his dance..ya ya ya.. ketahuan ya..ckckck.. gw ngga ada jaim2 sedikit pun sama Fikri... begitu pun dia.. I'll post my Photos that we took in Bliss later.occay!!
oh there's someone annoyed me on that party..i dunno..who he was.He looked like an Arabian or Indian or something like that. well..couldnt careless. but He kept on stared at me..*creepy*.. Didn't u see my bf who was standing in front of me and would kick ur ass if u keep on seeing me like that? but I didn't tell Fikri there's someone who annoyed me.. I'm afraid Fikri might get mad if He knows there's some bastardo staring me like penjahat kelamin looks.
my today's activities :
- woke up late,so I ran headed to campus to get my first class with ibu Arie.
- had lunch at canteen. I ate my fav meal. Mie Yamin and Mango juice.
- had fight with Fikri,so that I can't concentrating on my lecture as well.
- called Fikri and inviting him to watch "Naga Bonar jadi 2 " this afternoon.
- after maghrib we rushed to TIM ,we're looking for NGJ2 ticket..but the ticket's sold out.
- tried looking the tickets in Megaria.but the ticket's sold out juga.
- had dinner in front of TIM,and we ate Pecel Ayam and Pecel Lele.
- went home..and solving our problem.
- we're fine.. udah ngga berantem lagi... senangnyaa..