Friday, April 13, 2007

My teen years

My birthday is nearly close.. huehehe.. and I'll become a 20-years-old-girl. And of course I should be a wise girl than before. yeah.. I know I am not that good on my 19 years old. I did a lots of mistake and ignorance,even a silly fighting with some girl who really sucked and really annoyed me! but atleast I totally OVER u, biatch!
enough regreting the past.. I look forward my 20-years-old me.
I wish that life was easier. i understand that in my life. Things are wonderful and good, but for a close loved one and the family,they are struggling. All of sudden I hit my rebellious teen years. I'm struggling for an identity, I'm not old enough to be an adult and I'm not young enough to be a babied. I'm getting a taste of freedoms but feel like things are unstable and at the same time, not free enough. Maybe the teenage years are hard. I don't know who I am and no one really understand me.
"semua ada saatnya".they said.
Ya,I know.. everything that could be happened. not as expected. not as imagined. We've been always expecting ONLY the good side, and the bad side is forgotten. ( well, I am just a human).. all I want is everthing comes good for me.. but hey.. I'm on a real life, not in the heaven where I could just sit,relax, without thinking what would be happen tommorow?
this is my time to change.. i mean.. change a bad habit on me. and always keeping my good side on me. Occay!
All the best wishing for me. and I hope Allah always be on my side.Amien.
Oh ya, gw dapet temen baru, not a new friend juga sih but my long-time-no-talk friend, actually! Namanya Marini,anak kampus juga.. semester 1 kita sering ngobrol2,tapi pas semester 2 dst nya udah agak jarang, karena jadwal kuliah nya yang ngga sama.Dan akhir2 ini kita sering ketemu lagi dikantin. kita telfon2an dan telling to each other about us and all.. most of the topic we talked was our boyfriend. yah.. I know it's a girl's things basically. the conversantion went really fun. kita punya banyak persamaan sepertinya *shy smile*.
Hari Kamis kemaren kita pergi bareng, with her kindly heart. she's waiting for me almost 2 hours till my classes's over. soalnya gw selesai kuliah tuh jam setengah 4 an sedangkan dia jam 1 udah selesai. Kasian juga sih tu anak nungguin gw sendirian..dan celakanya pas nungguin gw di parkiran kaca spion mobilnya diserempet orang,dan tu orang ngga mau ganti rugi lagi. duh..I fely sorry ya mar.. Ini gara2 lo nungguin gw sih..padahalkan gw udah bilang besok aja kita perginya.huh..btw,forgive me babe..
Kita berdua tuh punya usul buat ngenalin pacar kita masing2. Dari cerita kita masing2 tuh kayaknya sifat dan kelakuan pacar2 kita tuh hampir sama.. ( tapi tetep Mar, My boyfriend still the coolest one than yours..) huahaha.. *peace out*. Nah, rencananya malem minggu ini kita punya rencana double date gitu deh,hehehe.. cuma makan bareng atau ngga jalan2 aja..yang penting pacar2 kita tuh saling kenal, dan juga si Fikri bisa percaya kalo gw sewaktu-waktu pergi sama Marini. begitchu.. dan satu kesaman kita lagi..kita tuh sama-sama sangat menyayangi dan mencintai dengan segenap hati sama pacar kita.Huehehehe.. don't puke,people!