You Are 20% Spoiled |
You are definitely not spoiled. You've worked hard for what you have. Down to earth and grounded, you don't need a lot to make you happy. |
Your Driving Is is: 82% Male, 18% Female |
According to studies, you drive like a typical male. You're reckless, aggressive, and see driving as a game. And while you like to live on the edge a little, you still know how to drive safely. |
You Are More Like Angelina Jolie |
Bad girl with a heart of gold. You are smart, sexy, and strong willed. You aren't against stealing another girl's man... If he's better off with you! |
hear hear... so how's life ca? you'll never like what i have on my side of life...
life's good dong.. bang, kan tasa blog2an sama kak tiza,hehe
praise to God aja bang.. I'll like whatever God give to me..even your side of life.. :)
oh ya.. di bagian yang
"you more like angelina Jolie..u can see the sentence 'You aren't against stealing people's Bf"
that isn't true..
because I AM against stealing people's BF, I dont have any plan to switch career become a snatcher.
Haha. Lucu Tas. Gw juga Angelina Jolie! =p Btw check your e-mail dong say, gw mo curhat.. ;)
Hallloww Tasya.. thanks ya for visiting my blog, tentu saja boleh gw di-link di sini dan numpang tenar =D
Mendingan Bang Ijal ngga usah di-link tapi, ntar dia tambah narsis... haha
Tessa :
I've checked my e-mail, hmm.. i think ur story similar to mine. hehe.. I'm waiting for ur reply.
oh y.. cepetan pindah ke Blogger ya.
hehe.. thanks sista for visiting mine too.. i'd love to read ur blog.. bagus.. hehe
masalah bang Ijal.. emang bukan dari jaman dulu kala udah narsis ya ??! *wink* hehe..
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